Facility Use

We would like to welcome you to our facility. We hope it will meet your needs and that you will feel comfortable using our facility. We permit some outside use of our building as a service to the community.

We request that all persons supervising such use familiarize themselves with our general rules and make sure that everyone in their group uses our building with respect, care and the utmost of safety.

We believe that our building should be used in a spirit of Godly stewardship and we want to enable groups and persons to use our facilities in ways that are consistent with the goals and purposes of the Episcopal church.

To ensure that our building is used appropriately and carefully, St. Saviour’s requires that every group fill out the Use of Building Request Form. It should be received at least thirty days prior before the activity is scheduled. The Rector will review your request and verify the availability of facilities and equipment needed and determine appropriate security deposits and use fees.

The Rector reserves the right to refuse building use.

No outside door, or inside fire door is permitted to be “propped-open” at any time. Do not allow unauthorized persons to enter while you are using the facility.

The responsibility for all church functions is vested with the Rector and the Vestry of St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church.

Download the Building Use Form